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Internal video and pitch piece
Metro Trains Melbourne
‘Smart Metro’

Metro Trains is the operator of the Melbourne rail network. Their need was huge: an internal video that communicated a fully imagined future for the organisation. And the brief, direct from Metro’s Chief Information Officer.
“Imagine our future.”
“Highlight customer safety and convenience.”
“Create awareness of the benefits of technology with our CEO.”
That was it.
We at Fizz Farm embrace the biggest challenges, and we eagerly rose to meet this one. We were empowered to think completely outside the box, without limits or restrictions. The challenge was to think like a commuter – addressing the average passenger’s travel needs and desires. We also had to ensure our delivery was reasonable, practical and achievable.
The team at Fizz Farm engaged in a thorough brainstorming session, in order to develop an engaging concept that would visually communicate the key messaging effectively. We made the critical decision to harness the power of imagination and the magic of filmmaking in order to augment our existing reality, and to push our capabilities to the max.
By storyboarding and presenting a range of concepts to the client, 24 ideas for Metro’s possible future offerings were brought to life via a slick combination of live action video and animation. Actors peppered the piece as daily commuters, business people, students and tourists, showing the movements of an ordinary ‘day in the life’ of busy Melburnians, enhanced by unrestrained new technology. An aspirational app used on futuristic smart phones was demonstrated authentically, conveying a sense of possibility in a time in the not-too-distant future.
Concepts presented in the video include:

The Metro Smart phone app
A futuristic app that puts the ‘smart’ in smart phone. Integrated calendar, distance calculator, timetable reader, advice on when to leave in order to arrive on time. This concept, developed by Fizz Farm, is now a reality.

Colour coordinated routes
Embracing colour as a wayfinder to enable fast visual recognition and create a seamless experience for commuters. Now a reality across platforms in Victoria.

In-built QR code
An in-built QR code to replace the inconvenience of sourcing and purchasing MYKI cards, making life easier for locals and tourists alike. Now a reality.

Electronic safety barrier
A safety mechanism built into the smart phone app, alerting commuters when they are in danger zones — a literal life-saver.

Intermodal integration
Integrated travel information and timetables across all transportation mediums — trains, trams and buses, to provide seamless connection for commuters. Now a reality.

Carriage congestion
View the population of carriages with an easy-to-read traffic light system, beneficial in peak times and when social distancing is required. Now a beta-release in London.
The project was a smash hit. It was immediately put to the CEO, who was dazzled, and presented it directly to Jacinta Allen, who was Minister for Transport at the time. What started solely as an internal piece went on to be used as part of a pitch package which helped Metro secure their next billion dollar contract.
Many of the ideas and concepts formulated and presented in this video by the team at Fizz Farm have now been implemented as reality. An internal digital strategy committee, tasked with bringing some of the video concepts to life, was subsequently formed at Metro. We were chuffed when this project went on to win the Excellence Award at their inaugural supplier awards. It’s a demonstration of what can happen when you’re brave enough to take the leap and harness the unlimited power of visual communication. Only then can you discover what’s possible. It was an honour and an exciting challenge to have the opportunity to guide Metro through the process, and show them the possibilities within their own future. We’re incredibly proud of this one.
Concepts coming to life:

Myki App


Congestion (in UK)

I want to thank you for your skill, experience, judgement and trust. So many people came together to make this possible in a really short time period and I’m extremely grateful.
– ICT Shared Service Manager, Metro.
Video, Animation
Concept development, scriptwriting, directing, producing, scheduling, design, location scouting, talent casting, filming, editing, animation.